There are 38 electors for the state of Texas, and I've identified about two dozen of them who live in counties that went for HRC. Since I live and vote in Texas, I want them to hear from me! I verified their mailing addresses through public records on government websites... and then I heard from other Texas voters that they might like to do the same, so I shared it all here.
These 23 electors' mailing addresses as found on public record on county assessor websites. Here's how to participate.
1(a). Decide who to contact: Read through the list here (or copy-paste You might decide to just write to the folks in your part of Texas, or you may want to contact all of them.
1(b). Obtain postcards, and address them to some or all of the Electors identified. I found my postcards online, in drugstores (Walgreens/CVS, etc.) in tourist towns, and blank ones at craft stores.
2. In the message section, write one of these messages, or choose your own:
Message 1: The Founding Fathers explained the purpose of the electoral college. It is not the role of the Electors to override the will of the people unless a blatantly unqualified candidate wins a majority of votes. (Federalist Paper No. 68, 1788)
Message 2: DJT does not have the requisite qualifications to serve as President. DJT did not win a majority of votes. If DJT and his family do not COMPLETELY divest from his company, he will proudly violate the emoluments clause of the Constitution.
- Message 3: Fulfill your role as an Elector: REJECT Donald J. Trump!
- Message 4: Listen to your fellow Texas Elector, CHRISTOPHER SUPRUN! (added 12/5/16)
3(a). Sign your name and city (optional). I'm just writing my first name and city & zip code.
3(b). Feel really dang proud of yourself for speaking up (required!) :-)
4. Take a picture of your postcards that you can share on social media.
5. Affix a stamp - you can use a 35 cent postcard stamp, or a normal letter stamp
6. Drop them in the mail between DEC 1 and DEC 15
7. Tweet and Instagram and Facebook and share the heck out of your photo using the hashtags #notmypresident #postcardavalanche #TXelectors
First, If you are a Texas elector and you'd prefer I send my postcards to a different address that you use for your role as a public official, happy to oblige! What I've got is what was available thru ethical searching on government websites.
Second, there is also a public Facebook Event page. I haven't heard a need for a private event page.
Third: Personally, I am going to send each elector TWO or THREE postcards, with Message 1 arriving between 12/1 and 12/8, and with Message 2 arriving between 12/9 and 12/13, and the last arriving by 12/15... so they all arrive before the Electors meet in Austin on 12/19. You are welcome to do the same. But this definitely isn't a condition to take part! :)
The address for Matthew Stringer is wrong, this is not the right Mathew Stringer. He leaves in Odessa
ReplyDeleteThanks for the heads-up. I'll check it out when i'm not at work (public employee means i have to do all this outside of work hours). Is it one T or two?
ReplyDeleteWhy are the first two messages struck through?
ReplyDeleteBecause Chris Suprun said it all far better than I ever could! Those two messages are flimsy compared to what he wrote yesterday (check out the link)
DeletePoor not-the-right-Matthew-Stringer is going to get some really confusing mail.
ReplyDeleteSent some from Finland for emphasis.